Sunday 11 September 2011

Issey Miyake japanese contemporary designer

Colletion - Pleats please

This collection was made with the intentiion to limit waste and excess in fashion. issy miyake created this garment to fold away compact on a hanger, still using beautiful shapes to create different look for the garment.
i like the way that the garment has a soft shape from the compact pleats yet it still makes a statement.

Junya Watanabe designer for Comme des Garçons

Contemporary designer
this designer is a japanese designer who has created this garment. he was inspired by tactile manipulation of fabric. he was inspired by the16th and 17 centries collars and used it to make a garment using this as the top of a skirt .
The garment is all hand made to get the shape how he wanted it.

Thursday 8 September 2011

japanese fashion designers

Most Japanese fashion houses are in Tokyo.
 The Japanese look is loose and unstructured, colours tend to be subtle, and richly textured fabrics. Famous Japanese designers are
  • Yohji Yamamoto,
  • Kenzo,
  • Issey Miyake, (drape and cut), and
  • Comme des Garçons's Rei Kawakubo, who developed a new way of cutting.
Yohji Yamamoto
Yamamoto often creates designs that are very diffent to current trends. He makes clothes that are oversized from the normal silhouettes, but he varys his texture of the fabric he uses.
 the garment has be created using folds to make the garment curve the way it does. it shows the figure of the model however makes a new silhoutte.


japanese designers have very heavey patterned garments usually to complement the plain base that they use. Kenzo uses his black as his base colour and adds colour over the top.

Monday 22 August 2011

Designers- using origarmi

Mauricio Velasquez Posada

numero 101 cover in mach 2009

viennen Westwood and Nina Ricci 2009

Nina Ricci has used the negitive space to create an outstanding dress i like the way that it looks like it has layers of fabric overlapping. the dress looks to flow however it holds its shape and stands strong.

yves saint laurent 2009
Gareth Pugh 2008 (london designer)

Thursday 18 August 2011


metamorphosis is a process that takes place biologically in animals. The animal develops after birth physically or by hatching. The process means the animals body structure, through cell growth, changes abruptly. This can also change the habitat and behavior of the animal when it has hatched.

Frogs and toads
  • When frogs and toads hatch from their egg they are formed into tadpoles and are covered with a gill sac after a few days.
  • The tadpole forms lungs guickly.
  • After the lungs have form the front legs form under the gill sac.
  • The hindlegs are next to follow and become noticable in the next few days. 
  • The tadpole becomes a vegetarian and uses a long spiraled shaped gut to digest its diet.
  • the spirl-shaped mouth resorbed together with the spiral gut.
  • big jaw develops and the gill sac disapears.
  • eyes and legs and tongue is formed
  • its not till a few days later that the tail is reabsorbed.
  •  just before metomorphosis this process can take as little as 24 hours.
    after 24 hours the frog reaches this stage and is amost a fully fuctioning frog with some of the remains of the gill sac.
    i think that metomorphosis happens with most things around the world to do with the development of the land and how the climate and natural disasters. i think that the way contries who have been hit by the tusanami that happened in Japan wiped out places that have now started to rebuild into liveable places.
    i also think that the world has been changed in ways that are under mans control such as knocking a house down to create a new and better design. since many centries ago houses were made differntly to how they are now. if you looked at the houses in a city now compared to years ago you would see a completely different style of living.

Monday 15 August 2011

Hussein Chalayan

hussein chalayan

"The project had nothing to do with furniture," he says. "It was all about the moment of trying to leave your home at a time of war. The living room was supposed to be like somebody's wardrobe. How you could hide your possessions and carry them with you? Partly it's from my background - I'm from Cyprus, which is a divided place - and partly because of Kosovo."  Quote from Hussein Chalayan

this image is taken from the 2000 spring collection of Hussein Chalayan. I am inspired by the way that he has made a day to day object wearable and yet still look fashionable. he has used a plain metal to make the skirt, however it makes a statement as it is.

Monday 8 August 2011

Origarmi History

Origarmi is a traditional japanese art. ori means "folding" and kami means "paper". this art form started in the 17th century AD and then became populaur around other places than Japan around the mid 1900's.
it has now turned into a moderm art form that through folding can create sculptures and unquie designs. the aim of true Origarmi is to create something without the use of glue or small cuts. you are only allowed to use the paper itself.

The Japanese used coloured paper that they created to make their designs look indivual and more exciting to the eye. however most of the time the paper had to have the print on both sides so that there wouldnt be white bits showing when the paper was folded.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Christian Dior Spring 2007

In Christian Doirs sping collection each dress was inspired by the japanese art style origarmi. Each dress has a delicated and creative surface pattern to create detail within the dress. All the dresses have intense colours ranging from hot pink to coral and different shades of burgundy and purple.

Issey Miyake 132.5 collection

The work of issey miyakes collection was inspired by the work of a computer scientist Jun Mitani which makes 3D structures with smoothly curved surfaces by folding flat materials. The name “132.5 collection” has its own meaning. “1″ refers to a single piece of cloth. “3″ refers to its three-dimensional shape. “2″ comes from the fact that a 3D piece of material is folded into a two-dimensional shape. “5″ signifies our hope that this idea will have many other permutations.

issey miyake created the collection using 2 dimensional geometric-patterns which unfold into shirts, pants and dresses.